small blog Logo

Notice: smallBLOG is still very much a work in progress and should not be used in production environments at this time. The project is being actively updated. Keep an eye on this page and the sourceforge project page for updates.

What is smallBLOG?

smallBLOG is new open-source blog enging that allows you to quickly set-up your new blog in seconds. With its quick and simple installation smallBLOG lets you concentrate on what matters most: creating content!

Setting up smallBLOG is simple and easy:


1. Download

Download smallBLOG from sourceforge and extract it to a directory on your web server.

2. Setup

Navigate to setup.php from your browser and enter the required information.

3. Blog

Go to the blog_admin page in your web browser and write your first blog!

What you'll need:

In order to use smallBLOG you need a web server running at least PHP version 5 and an empty mySQL database. That's it!

Help Wanted: Want to get invloved with smallBLOG? Check out the help wanted page to see how you can contribute